Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > A Hope Reborn


A Hope Reborn

Light from Light

Dec 25, 2016


All is Welcome Here

Living in Love beyond Beliefs

We Share One Life, We Are One Life

Christ the Redeemer

Light from Light

A rainbow it appeared to me,
to my wanting eyes deceived to see;
now, time has washed away the lustrous glow, and I,
I am left alone to hold these hollow, colorless remains~
in this urn rests dark what once burned bright a lively dream;
but some dim light, this one not a mirage but true,
leads me back to You and a hope that no lie
can bury beneath the cold, dark ground or burn to grey ashes,
a hope reborn from the abysmal descent to Life.

*Brian K. Wilcox. "A Hope Reborn." July 25, 2008.

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This Christmas morning, leaving morning worship, reflecting on the meaning of Christmas, words from the Nicene Creed resonated: "Light from Light." ... The true Christian message is of Light, arising from Light and witness to Light, even amid darkness. And Light speaks of Presence and, with It, Hope. Profound words from the prologue to St. John's Gospel, of the Word before time, "That enlightens everyone." So, this Light in everyone, that of Grace in everyone, seen or unseen by self, or by others. When we realize within the Light within, a Light already present, we are inspired to arise from our faith in darkness, consciously to embody the Light and, so, to emanate silently Hope through our surrender to Grace. This we could speak of as Christ being born again, and now. Any moment in which Hope arises in the midst of hopelessness, Christ is born, for Love is timelessly born from Love, and the Word again becomes flesh. That which became, becomes always. Light gives birth to Light, and we take more upon ourselves the Nature of this Light. ... Everyone else kneels in the pews, as the officiate begins the Eucharist Celebration. I stand, left hand holding the Worship service, right hand upward, eyes closed, and heart open, no longer held in the grip of fear and despair ~ and the Light, I feel the presence of the Light, everywhere here, alive, shining as It has always been Light from Light. A dawning again, Hope reborn, Light untouched by darkness. Light from Light, this I believe and pray to live. This summons to keep the heart open. This I yield to, that this flesh, subject to aging, sickness, and death, may be, by Grace porous to the Light that enlightens everyone.

Kumbh_Mela (24)

♥ ♥ ♥

Grace and Peace to All

The Sacred in Me bows to the Sacred in You

*Lotus of the Heart is a work of Brian K. Wilcox.

*Move cursor over photos for photographer and photo name.


Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > A Hope Reborn

©Brian Wilcox 2024